How to write a scheduling policy

This tutorial explains through minimalist examples how to write a scheduler.

Example 1: uniprocessor EDF

This example shows how to write an Earliest Deadline First scheduler for a single processor. As a reminder, the Earliest Deadline First prioritizes the tasks with the closest absolute deadline among all the ready tasks. A task is ready when it is activated and not finished.

Creation of the file

A scheduler for SimSo is a Python class that inherits from the simso.core.Scheduler class. The first step is to write the skeleton of our scheduler. Create a file named “” and write the following code:

from simso.core import Scheduler

class EDF_mono(Scheduler):
    def init(self):

    def on_activate(self, job):

    def on_terminated(self, job):

    def schedule(self, cpu):

It is mandatory for the class name to be identical to the file name.

Explanation of the skeleton

The first thing done here is importing the Scheduler class. Then we define the EDF_mono class as a subclass of the Scheduler.

Four methods are redifined:

  • The init method is called when the simulation is ready to start, this is where the structures used by the scheduler should be initialized. The usual Python constructor is not guaranteed to be called before each simulation run and the Task and Processors are not instantiated yet when the scheduler is created.

  • The on_activate method is called on task activations.

  • The on_terminated method is called when a job finished its execution.

  • The schedule method is called by the processor when it needs to run the scheduler. This method should not be called directly.


In a nutshell, the algorithm is the following: a list of ready jobs is kept up-to-date using the on_activate and on_terminated methods. When the schedule method is called, the ready job with the closest absolute deadline is chosen.

So, the first step is to define a ready_list, and to append the jobs and remove them respectively when the jobs are activated and when they finish. The code should looks like that:

from core import Scheduler

class EDF_mono(Scheduler):
    def init(self):
        self.ready_list = []

    def on_activate(self, job):

    def on_terminated(self, job):

    def schedule(self, cpu):

The second step is to write the schedule logic. Selecting the job with the closest absolute deadline is pretty easy. But we need to be sure that there is at least one ready job. One possible implementation is:

def schedule(self, cpu):
    if self.ready_list:  # If at least one job is ready:
        # job with the highest priority
        job = min(self.ready_list, key=lambda x: x.absolute_deadline)
        job = None

    return (job, cpu)

At this point, we are still missing a very important thing: calling the scheduler! This is not done by invoking the schedule method. As a reminder, that’s the processor which is responsible to call the scheduler. The reason is that if an overhead must be applied, it is done on the processor running the scheduler. The good way to call the scheduler is by sending a message to the processor using the resched method.

Any job is affected to a processor. This is the last processor on which the task was running or an arbitrary processor on the first execution. The scheduler can be called indirectly using job.cpu.resched() when a scheduling event occurs. We could also use self.processors[0].resched to run the scheduler on the first (and only) processor of the system.

This is the full code:

from simso.core import Scheduler

class EDF_mono(Scheduler):
    def init(self):
        self.ready_list = []

    def on_activate(self, job):

    def on_terminated(self, job):

    def schedule(self, cpu):
        if self.ready_list:  # If at least one job is ready:
            # job with the highest priority
            job = min(self.ready_list, key=lambda x: x.absolute_deadline)
            job = None

        return (job, cpu)

Example 2: Partitionned EDF

The simplest method to handle multiprocessor architectures is to use partitionning. This approach consists in allocating the tasks to the processors and executing a mono-processor scheduler on each processor.

In order to ease the work for the developer of a scheduler, an helping class, named PartitionedScheduler, is provided.

Initializing the scheduler

The PartitionedScheduler is defined in the simso.utils module. It is also necessary to load the SchedulerInfo class in order to give to the PartitionedScheduler <simso.utils.PartitionedScheduler> the mono-processor scheduler to use. The first thing to do is importing these classes:

from simso.utils import PartitionedScheduler
from simso.core.Scheduler import SchedulerInfo

Then the Scheduler can be initialized like this:

class P_EDF(PartitionedScheduler):
    def init(self):
        PartitionedScheduler.init(self, SchedulerInfo("EDF_mono", EDF_mono))

Defining the packing

A First-Fit bin-packing can be used to affect the tasks to the processors. For that, the packer() must be overriden:

def packer(self):
    # First Fit
    cpus = [[cpu, 0] for cpu in self.processors]
    for task in self.task_list:
        j = 0
        # Find a processor with free space.
        while cpus[j][1] + float(task.wcet) / task.period > 1.0:
            j += 1
            if j >= len(self.processors):
                print("oops bin packing failed.")
                return False

        # Affect it to the task.
        self.affect_task_to_processor(task, cpus[j][0])

        # Update utilization.
        cpus[j][1] += float(task.wcet) / task.period
    return True

Complete example

Complete source code:

from simso.core.Scheduler import SchedulerInfo
from EDF_mono import EDF_mono
from simso.utils import PartitionedScheduler

class P_EDF(PartitionedScheduler):
    def init(self):
        PartitionedScheduler.init(self, SchedulerInfo("EDF_mono", EDF_mono))

    def packer(self):
        # First Fit
        cpus = [[cpu, 0] for cpu in self.processors]
        for task in self.task_list:
            j = 0
            # Find a processor with free space.
            while cpus[j][1] + float(task.wcet) / task.period > 1.0:
                j += 1
                if j >= len(self.processors):
                    print("oops bin packing failed.")
                    return False

            # Affect it to the task.
            self.affect_task_to_processor(task, cpus[j][0])

            # Update utilization.
            cpus[j][1] += float(task.wcet) / task.period
        return True